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Home » Seven Cash Flow Management Tips for Small Business Owners

Seven Cash Flow Management Tips for Small Business Owners

For every small business to survive in this competitive and ever-changing world, cash flow management is the one thing that needs the most attention. But have you ever thought about how cash flow can impact your business and what could happen if you came across a cash flow problem? In easy terms, cash flow is the money your business owns or the money that flows in or out of your business. For a healthy, thriving business, you need perfect cash flow management. However, managing your business money is undoubtedly a challenging job demanding professional assistance, some helpful tools, and tactics for improvements.

Let’s find out some cash flow management tips for your business.

1. Create Charts to Monitor Cash Flow

Nowadays, there is plenty of accounting software that helps you create charts that provide overall details of your business profits and expenses. After few weeks of studying and understanding your business cash flow charts, you will get some new ideas on managing your business finance. You will be in a better place to monitor your cash flow.

2. HireSomeone to Monitor Your Cash Flow

Having a proper track of your business cash flow is an integral part of the business. Still, it is not the only thing to consider. You need to hire a trusted employee or a CFO to monitor your cash flow and provide budgetary support. However, with progress in technology and globalization, chief financial officer roles and position has evolved and become more advanced to set financial goals and structure company’s policy. CFO will take your business’s financial burden off your shoulder and maintain the cash flow record accurately. You need to ensure that you have an updated record of numbers, especially when you are close to or crossed your break-even point.

3. Collect Outstanding Debts

Collecting outstanding debts is one of the most popular ways to make your cash flow better. Your business needs to send invoices on time and accept online payments to get funds faster. Also, it is an easy way for your customers to pay you. Most customers put off payments until the due date arrives. You can encourage them by offering discount deals for quick payments. It will help put cash into your business at its earliest. Lastly, you can have customer credit checks to ensure that the customers are reliable and pay their bills on time. Rejecting a sale is unnatural for any business. Still, there isn’t any point of sale if you aren’t getting paid for the product or services that you are offering to your customers.

4. Check Your Inventory

Inventory is the necessity of almost every business, and it can tie up plenty of cash. However, there are few items in your inventory that will sell a bit quicker than the others. Some are seasonal, and others are just not in your favor. If you left with the bulk of extra stock, you could sell it to improve your business cash flow. With tying up the cash, you have bulk storage to consider. You can offer discount prices to your customers and sell them away to get your easy money quickly. If you don’t sell your bulk inventory, you will soon start to have a “what if” sort of feeling. Business owners must be as realistic as possible and logical when checking their inventory. Always try to keep those items that sell and never keep any items in your inventory just out of sentimentality.

5. Delay or Reduce Your Expenses

To bring in extra cash is always an excellent cash flow management technique. However, reducing the costs or expenses can distinctly accomplish the same outcomes. If you have to make some payments, try to negotiate and ask for an extension. Delaying your payments for just for some days or weeks can significantly improve your cash flow and have a positive impact on your business. For a small business owner hiring full-time employees is primarily unaffordable. You can go for part-time employees to help you with your daily business tasks and with much fewer salary demands. If you have some spare equipment that is not in use, you can get some extra money by renting them out, and also, it will cut down the storage costs. You can search for new ways to improve your revenue margins. Mostly inexpensive suppliers and high prices are good ways to begin.

6. Increase Your Sales

A foolproof strategy to increase your cash flow is to upsurge your sales. If you encounter any profit loss situation per sale, it can easily balance with an overall increase in sales. Always remember to offer discounts and promotions to your customers and attract them to buy your items. With a better marketing strategy, you can easily upsurge your sales and attract more audiences to your business, making them your valuable customers. However, it will often demand a considerable marketing budget from your business cash flow. You have to consider if the likely increase in your sales is beneficial and worthwhile.

7. Lease Equipment

When you have a tight cash flow, buying new equipment can be a considerable obstacle. You can lease equipment that fits your business, such as furniture in the office, printers, copying machines, PCs, and much more. Purchasing expensive equipment can hurt your business cash flow and make it harder for you to recover and maintain it. Further, you need to ensure that you have the necessary cash flow to pay your lease installments before availing of the equipment on lease. Still, it is a much safer option that won’t immediately upset your cash flow.


Every business has a workable strategy that will help it survive in the long run. Not every technique is meant to be for all businesses. Try picking the right one according to the product or service you are offering to your audience. Hire an experienced Chief Marketing Officer with an outstanding resume to help with your management. Try to mix them up and see if multiple approaches can help speed up your business cash flow. It would help if you implemented these strategies successfully. Your business will grow and survive even if you have tight cash flow and financial instability.

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