Web video is currently the most effective method of marketing. In the 21st century, consumers are spending more and more time watching digital videos. In fact, by 2019 internet video traffic is expected to account for 80% of all internet traffic!
With the popularity of web video growing steadily since 2015, it is no wonder that web video and video translation (or video marketing) have become one of the most important resources at a marketer’s disposal.
Unsurprisingly, 87% of online marketers use video content in their online marketing strategy.
Why use video marketing?
Marketing is first and foremost concerned with converting consumer interest to action, whether that be in the form of sharing or in a sale. Although text was once the most effective method of achieving this goal, the world has since moved on to video.
Video marketing has the highest conversion rates compared with other forms of marketing. Adding a video to marketing emails can help to increase click through or follow through rates by a staggering 200-300%. Adding a video to the landing page on the other hand increases click through rate by 80%. Clearly video has a positive impact on consumer behaviour.
Smart phones and tablets are now the most popular method for making a sale and marketing products, with conversion rates for smartphones and tablets growing steadily compared to declining effectiveness of traditional devices such as computers.
Consumer behaviour has changed significantly over the past 20 years, with social media platforms now forming one of the most effective marketing outlets. Consumers between the age of 18-34 are especially more likely to follow brands on social media than through any other media outlet, showcasing that traditional ‘print’ marketing methods are irrelevant in the digital age.
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Unsurprisingly, social media video penetration has simultaneously increased, showcasing the importance of web video in the realms of digital marketing.
It’s evident that web video and video marketing are essential for 21st century marketing strategies, but did you know video translation is just as important?
In an increasingly global market place, videos need to be translated to target increasingly international consumers. Less than 40% of consumers are buying from websites with un-translated marketing material- it’s evident that businesses need video translation for customer outreach.
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Video translation will also help your company stand out from competitors. And translated videos help with Search Engine Optimisation. With consumers increasingly turning to online video for product insights and reassurance about the quality of a product or service, it’s ever more important to reach customers and convert perusing into purchasing. However, consumers often browse their native search engine, so to reach these customers and consecutively improve your company’s search engine ranking- video translation is a must.
What’s more astounding is that video translation not only engages international customers but also has a positive impact on return on investment and profitability! In fact, marketers who use video, grow revenue 49% faster than non-video users. So it is crystal clear that content localisation and video translation deliver a positive outcome for customers and companies alike!
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