HomeBUSINESSHow to Fill in a CMR Form

How to Fill in a CMR Form

The CMR form is the most important document for international road freight transportation across Europe and in countries that have ratified the CMR Convention protocol. This document acts as an agreement between the consignor, consignee, and carrier. It discloses the merchandise in the freight and recognizes the responsibilities and liabilities of the concerned parties. 

Filling in the CMR Form

If you want to export goods to a country that has ratified the CMR Convention or are shipping from a country that’s already a signatory, you need to fill in the CMR form before the consignment begins. Generally, the carrier issues the CMR forms. They are standard across all CMR-ratified states. Let’s take you through how to fill in this document to ensure you accurately disclose all details. 

How Many Copies Should You Fill?

The CMR note is available in three or four copies, each having a unique color code. The first copy (red) goes to the consignor. The second one (blue) remains with the consignee, while the third (green) is for the carrier. There can also be a fourth copy (black) for administrative purposes. 

Information to Fill on the CMR Form

The CMR form contains 24 gaps or sections that the respective parties need to fill up. Most of the gaps, however, should be completed by the consignor or the carrier with the consignor’s request. 

Each section represents a specific detail. For example, gap number 1 is for the name and address of the consignor, while gap number 2 is for the name and address of the consignee. The information required per gap may vary depending on the CMR form model you use. However, the number of sections is constant across all models. 

Here are the essential details to fill on a CMR form:

  • Name, address, signature, stamp, and contact information of consignor
  • Name, address, signature, stamp, and contact information of consignee
  • Name, address, signature, stamp, and contact information of carrier and successive carriers, if any
  • Cargo loading location and destination
  • Details about the cargo (nature, weight, quantity, packaging type, etc.)
  • Instructions crucial to the consignment
  • Date of issue
  • Instruction on payment for the carriage


Filling in CMR forms is not hard. You, however, should ensure you enter the details as accurately as possible. Try filling out one gap at a time and counter-check once you fill each gap. Remember that, as the consignor, you shall remain responsible for the accuracy of the data in your CMR form.


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