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HomeBUSINESS TIPS7 Quick and Easy Ways To Free up Your Hard Drive

7 Quick and Easy Ways To Free up Your Hard Drive

Computer owners must find better strategies for having adequate memory on their computer hard drives. It is too easy to take up a lot of space with files and not realize the repercussions. Many operating systems will crash if the computer is overloaded with files. By following fast solutions, computer users can get better use of their computers. 

1. Remove All Duplicates

Eliminating all duplicate files will free up a lot of space on the hard drive. Duplicate files can take up space unnecessarily, and the computer will slow down. Duplicate files aren’t needed, and the computer owner can speed up their processor quickly by removing them. Computer owners can locate the files faster by using a duplicate file finder now.

2. Remove Shortcuts from the Desktop

Shortcuts on the desktop make it more convenient to find programs and launch them faster. However, each shortcut takes up a portion of the memory, and if the user sets up too many shortcuts, it will decrease the processing speed and make the computer operate slower. By removing the shortcuts, the computer processes faster, and the user has more memory on their hard drive.

3. Send Larger Files to a Cloud Database

Cloud-based storage is an ideal solution for larger files that will take up too much room on the hard drive. Computer users can send larger files, such as PDFs, to the storage and still have access to those files.

4. Complete Disk Cleanup Options

Computer users that use PCs that operate using the Window OS have access to tools such as disk cleanup. The tool removes any fragments of files that remain on the hard drive. When deleting some files, this may happen and take up space on the hard drive. By launching the tool, the user can remove these pieces and free up the hard drive’s memory.

5. Remove Apps and Programs You Don’t Use

Any apps or programs that the user doesn’t need anymore should be uninstalled and deleted. When removing the programs or apps, they must review their computer for excess data related to the apps or programs. If they no longer need related files, they can remove the files, too.

6. Store Photos on an External Hard Drive

Photos take up a lot more memory than most people realize, and if they want to store large collections of family photos safely, an external hard drive may be the best option. They can transfer the files from their hard drive to the external device and access the files whenever they want.

7. Eliminate Anything In Your Trash

A common issue that many computer users face is excess files that remain in trash bins or cans on their computers. While the OS will delete the files after 30 days, the computer user will have to wait 30 days to free up their hard drive’s memory. If they go ahead and delete the trash permanently, it will not continue to take up space. 

Computer owners face a major reduction in memory if they exceed the limits of their hard drives. Unfortunately, this can happen with little warning, and their computer could crash. By following some proactive steps for clearing up space, they can extend the longevity of their computers and avoid slow processing speeds. A variety of files that are often stored on computers could present these issues and make it harder to use the computers.



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