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HomeBUSINESSKnow Thy Bags: 5 Types of Paper Bags Retail Businesses Can Buy...

Know Thy Bags: 5 Types of Paper Bags Retail Businesses Can Buy Online

Having a successful business involves much planning and investing. For retail shops and restaurants, a major investment is carrier bags. When selling products to customers, stores cannot simply hand their products to their customer and send them off. Carrier bags are a convenience that retail shops must provide their customers with. Apart from convenience, carrier bags offer ways for your business to get noticed.

Along with various marketing method you can use carrier bags to get your brand name seen around town. Paper bags are sturdy bags made using renewable resources. Here the types of paper bags that you can choose to stock in your stores.

S.O.S Bags

S.O.S or self-opening sacks are paper bags that are commonly used by restaurants. The S.O.S bags are made using recycled paper making them an eco-friendly carried bag choice. Usually, the bags are white or brown in colour with customised prints printed onto them. The base of the S.O.S bags have gussets to make them sturdy enough to carry food containers. You can find S.O.S bags without handles or with tape-handles. The wide base of the bags makes it easy to insert and support food containers of various sizes. You can choose to order a wide variety of S.O.S bags.

Rope Handle Luxury Bags

To give your customers a premium feel you can choose to offer luxury paper bags. High-end brands only buy luxury carrier bags online to give their customers. When you buy luxury carrier bags online, you can choose from a variety of colours and get your brand name and logo printed onto the carrier bags. To buy luxury carrier bags online, you need to choose between ribbon or rope handle bags.

Die Cut Handle Bags

One of the cheaper options for stores is to buy die cut handle paper bags. These basic paper bags are made using recycled paper. The handle of the bags are holes punched using a machine.Die cut handles make the bags more durable. Clothing and shoe stores popularly use die-cut bags to offer customers a durable carrier bag to withstand their shopping spree.

Bottle Bags

Shops that buy luxury carrier bags online also buy bottle bags. Bottle bags are not only useful for carrying wine bottles. The long bottle bags can be used for giving customers small items. Luxury carrier bags and bottle bags can be made using the same material. You can choose rope handle bottle paper bags with embossed or debossed designs.

Stone Paper Bags

Paper might not sound like a durable carrier bag material. With stone paper, you get durability that can rival fabric carrier bags. Stone paper is not just a strong paper bag material it is a tree-free material. This means that the paper is not made using traditional recycled paper. A non-toxic resin is mixed with a mineral which comes from the processed debris of marble quarries. When you buy luxury carrier bags online, you can also look at the durable stone paper bags as well. The eco-friendly, biodegradable bag can create a green image for your business.

Check out the different kinds of paper bags that are available online and buy the ones that suit your business needs.

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