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7 Key Instagram Metrics to Monitor When Marketing Your Brand

Did you know that over 200 million business profiles are on Instagram?

This staggering figure shows how marketing on Instagram isn’t as simple anymore. It isn’t enough for businesses to set up an account and expect followers to find them instantly.

Nowadays, consider having the right Instagram metrics to measure your success. However, you might not know where to start. Read on as we discuss some KPIs for your Instagram efforts:

1. Instagram Engagements Per Follower

It’s tempting to compare your Instagram profile to major business brands. However, avoid doing it unless you have the same number of supporters. After all, those brands have millions of people.

Brands with millions of followers will usually have thousands of likes. If your business only has a few hundred followers, getting fewer Instagram likes doesn’t mean you’re failing. 

The engagement rate allows you to evaluate your Instagram account fairly. Lots of tools exist to help measure this metric. Gathering your total engagement number within a specific time frame is a must.

Divide your total engagements by your follower count. After that, multiply the result by 100 to get the percentage. 

2. Follower Growth

When evaluating your Instagram follower count, context is vital. You have to know the reason behind random follower increases or decreases. Is it because of paid social ads?

Regardless, measure your follower count over time while keeping context in mind. It ensures you know the reason behind the growing numbers. The ideal situation is gradual growth over time.

This trend means people like your content, meaning they want to see more. Do you want to increase Insta followers? Check the linked guide to discover some steps.

Also, understanding what works is vital within your Instagram marketing strategy and KPIs. You will discover the type of content your audience wants. As a result, you can make more and tweak them to attract more potential customers.

Some experts consider total followers as a vanity metric. However, it represents your content’s potential reach. It impacts other IG metrics like engagement. As such, focus your efforts on organic audience growth.

3. Received Comments

Likes and comments are different Instagram performance metrics. Likes are easy to give. You might not be 100% certain your followers saw the post.

Meanwhile, comments are crystal clear indicators. It matters not whether these are positive or negative. People leaving their opinions means your content made an impact.

Positive engagement is a critical metric when your goal is to build a loyal community. Anyone can double-tap to like your post. However, it takes commitment to go out of your way to comment.

Looking into your comments could be easy, depending on your Instagram account size. You can check every post and view everything manually. However, you can use tools to automate the process for you.

4. Reach

Over 2 billion people are active on Instagram every month. As such, reach is an important metric. It tells you the number of people from this pool seeing your content.

Impressions and reach are two similar and confusing metrics. However, the former includes the number of people who only saw your content. It means they unlikely clicked or engaged with it.

The good news is that you need not do some fancy calculations to see your reach. Go to the Instagram Impression section to see the total and percent change over a specific time frame.

5. Most Engaged Hashtags

This metric tells you all about how well your hashtag performed. It applies even when the Instagram algorithm could sometimes wreck your content strategy. After all, hashtags are reliable in keeping your momentum.

You can keep reach and engagement going with industry-relevant hashtags. Use the 30-hashtag quota wisely. Conduct thorough research and learn from your performance.

Maximizing your hashtag performance is all about using tools to review your outbound hashtag performance. It allows you to discover your favorite hashtags based on their engagements.

Doing this could give enough data for future hashtag decisions. You can maximize its engagement performance with less effort. 

6. Referral Traffic

Referral traffic indicates Instagram’s effect on your website traffic. This figure represents the people coming to your site without using a search engine. For example, visitors from your Instagram profile are referrals.

You can increase your referral traffic by linking out your website’s pages. These include the following pages:

  • Landing
  • Product
  • Home 

Your choice depends on your desired follower action upon seeing your post. However, Instagram makes it more challenging. After all, the only area for displaying a link is within your bio.

For this reason, monitoring referral traffic from Instagram is tricky as well. You can use UTM parameters since these tags allow you to tack onto a URL. It lets Google Analytics know the referral’s source.

Another method is to check Google Analytics’ social network referral traffic. You can check the amount of traffic Instagram sends to your website. It also distinguishes between your bio link clicks and story swipe-ups.

7. Instagram Stories Metrics

Instagram Stories is one of the most vital components of an Instagram marketing campaign. It has a wide variety of uses, such as giving another content dimension to your audience. The photos and videos eventually disappear, giving you more flexibility.

The following are the most important metrics to measure Instagram Stories’ success:

  • Story Replies
  • Story Taps Back and Forward
  • Story Exists and Impressions

Use some social media tools to get a better view of these metrics. After all, they allow you to connect your business profile. Most will have a visual representation of your metrics to make them easier to understand.

Discover More Instagram Metrics Now

These are some vital Instagram metrics for your business. Never let your lack of experience hinder your marketing efforts. Use these metrics to guide your social media marketing efforts.

However, partnering with a reputable social media agency will maximize your investments. Consider reading online reviews to find the best one in your area.

Did you find this guide helpful? Explore our other posts for more valuable social media strategies today.

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