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Home » Why Freelancers Must Have a Website

Why Freelancers Must Have a Website

If, like many other salaried employees, you have decided to quit your job and go freelance, there is much to consider. Some would say it is a gamble to leave a secured position with a guaranteed monthly income, yet with the current level of technology, freelancing is very tempting for many. In the event you are about to do it alone, here are just a few of the reasons why you simply must have a website.

 Advertise your Product or Service – Whether you are a carpenter or a cleaner, you will need to source clients, and the best way to do this is designing your very own website. This will be your shop window to a global audience and without a website, no one will take you seriously. You might already be thinking this is a major investment, yet with a cheap website builder by Limecube, you can have a professional looking website at a fraction of the cost that a web developer would charge.

 Instant Credibility – Image is everything in business and whatever services you are offering, people will expect your website to provide all the information they need. When a potential client first hears about you, they will automatically do an online search and if they are unable to find your website, it is highly unlikely they will take the enquiry any further. Put yourself in their position; if you are looking for a graphic designer or a plumber, how will you locate such a service? An online search is the obvious way, and that will only work if you have a website. Would you take a person seriously if they have not made the effort to create an online presence? You can refer to various references online for further reading on the importance of image in a business environment.

 Marketing your Services Where it Matters – If you ask yourself the question, “Where would my potential clients be looking for my service?” The answer is, of course, online. The vast majority of consumers use a search engine to find products and services, which means your website will need some search engine optimisation (SEO) at some point. SEO ensures that your website is well ranked when the right keywords are used in a search, and if you are not on the first page of search results, you are what is known as an “also ran”.

 Individualise – Your website should speak volumes about you and your services and should also contain images and text that showcase examples of your work. People want to see some evidence of your talent before making any commitment, so spend some time creating an online portfolio. Your website is your shop window and is a place to showcase your best work, and with cost effective, professional looking web builders, great web design is available to all.

Whatever your chosen field, designing and building your own website must figure high on your long list of things to do, and with an online website builder, this can be achieved cost effectively, giving you a solid digital platform from which to launch your business. There are many design templates that offer a stylish and dynamic website, and with a little creativity and learning, your new website can be unveiled to the world.

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