HomeBUSINESS TIPSEffective Ways to Motivate Employees

Effective Ways to Motivate Employees

Most companies strive to be the nirvana for the topmost talents in their industries, but recruitment only does one part of the job. Whereas performance is often the standard for which companies measure good employees, a company’s ability to motivate its workforce is a major consideration for employees when determining great companies. 

For instance, a study shows that over 70 percent of workers want employers to ramp up their efforts focused on motivating them. Here are five effective ways to motivate employees.

Be Intentional About Your Benefits

In recent years, health and wellness have become non-negotiable for most individuals, especially due to the heightened awareness of the coronavirus pandemic. Studies show that health and wellness benefits are influential factors for employees when deciding when to try a new role or stick with an existing one. 

While many companies pose as pro-workplace wellbeing champions, not all of them are intentional and have specific benefit packages. Investing in an efficient employee benefits software can be an excellent way to communicate your benefits to employees.

Have An Open Communication Policy

Passing victimizing and judgemental comments about employees when they open up about an issue dampens their morale. Communication must be clear, concise, and reflective of everyone’s needs. An open communication policy encourages constructive criticism and considers diversity and inclusion in official communication efforts. That way, employees of all backgrounds feel seen, represented, and motivated to perform their tasks.

Encourage A Culture Of Feedback

Establishing a feedback culture at your workplace is crucial, especially if you have junior colleagues or new entrants. Feedback improves job satisfaction and confidence among employees, motivating them to perform consistently. Circulate feedback from all sources, including customers appreciating their favorite employees for a good job. 

Invest In Your Workspace 

Employees spend close to a third of their lives at work. The office is a mainstay in every adult’s life, and the least the company can do is to ensure the workplace is one of the best places people would like to be. The good part about investing in your workplace is that it can improve overall health and wellness as much as performance. Not to mention the pride employees can get from working in a forward-thinking and fast-evolving environment.

Give Employees Room To Grow

Employees benefit from long-term career planning and success. Knowing that there’s a higher level in your company for them to unlock every year can be a great way to retain and keep them striving. That’s why it’s important to have a growth plan as a business. Growth plans are long-term frameworks crafted by an extensive visioning process that can draw employees into a shared desired future.

Companies can treat this plan as a flagship document when recruiting workers and they join knowing their contributions can be tied to something meaningful beyond salaries. In exchange, businesses offer incentivizing rewards like stock options. You can also consider strategies like hiring from within or upskilling programs that transform new employees into experienced decision-makers. 

All in all, employees are human, and there can never be anything like too much motivation, whether intrinsic or otherwise. 


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